Jules Verne

a French writer. He lived in the period from 1828 until 1905. His first novel, published in 1863 was "5 weeks in a balloon. After that, he published more than 50 novels in his lifetime. After his death, his son revised a dozen other works, which were then published. The last novel was published as „Paris in the 20th Century“  in 1996.

Five weeks in a balloon

tells the adventure of three people aboard a hydrogen balloon - while travelling from east to west across Africa.
Across America in 10 weeks

Here is also a continent crossed, namely America (USA) from west to east. One hundred and fifty years after Jules Verne’s „5 weeks in a balloon“ is another one waiting with a solar-powered plane instead of a hydrogen balloon and this with the people Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg.

Across America in 10 weeks will bring real elements in a story, which is also the first version of this series. From the experiences of this project, the next edition will be in 2015 with  -„Around the World in 80 Days“ and this edition will appear with the real airplane somewhere in a nice museum, available for next generations.